“It takes a village to raise a child.” -Ancient proverb

We are two former educators, current parents, and radical dreamers in Southeast Vermont. We believe that all parents should have access to schools where their children can thrive, especially families of color. The reality is that traditional school does not work for many children. Though we have used homeschool as a legal status that allows families to opt out of the school system, we continue to believe deeply in learning communities. We want to create an alternative to school where children can work together, be part of an interdependent community, and experience joy.

—Ina (Cristina) and Susan


Get to know us better by reading some of our past newsletters! These are from our Spring 2023 Pilot.

Week 1: What’s in a school?

Week 2: A world of abundance

Week 3: Good days

Week 4: Doing everything backwards

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