Vermont Village School

The village as our classroom

Join us as we reimagine school as a liberatory space for people of color. Our mission is to foster the creation of new institutions through an experimental microschool for an equitable and just society where we operate out of abundance and share wealth and resources.

Together we will learn:

  • Interdependence over independence

  • Collectivism over individualism

  • Intergenerational over ageism

  • Timelessness over urgency

  • Individuality over conformity

  • Indigenous and ancestral wisdom over white supremacy culture

  • Collaboration over competition

  • Abundance over scarcity

  • Fluidity over rigidity

  • Expansiveness over exclusivity

  • Solidarity over division

What if students were fully aware of their place in history, in the community, and in a lineage of ancestors? What future would become possible for all of us?